When you are writing down a blog, the objective remains to attract the attention of the demanding visitors online, with the hottest topic prevailing in the market. It is possible that you tend to have much relevant information with you, but there are some of the silly but grave mistakes that could simply ruin your efforts as well as the blog campaign simultaneously.
Here, we will try to throw some light on 10 such mistakes-
- Not understanding what the user wants: Please note that while writing down a blog, it is imperative to understand that you are writing for the humans. And among your targeted readers, many would be below par understanding of the concept. So try to write a refined blog without revolving around the subject. The objective of writing the blog should be not what you want to share, but what the audience wants to listen.
- No match to the heading and the content: Bloggers normally commit such mistake. Please note that just creating a catchy title will not give you meaningful visitors. If the content is not relevant as per the title, then your page will not only lose the trust of the visitors, but also falls under the penalty radar of Google. So please, no hype creation with the title!
- Not using the images: Most of the beginners in the field of blogging fail to understand the significance of images on the blog. The visitors tend to get attracted by the images that arouse interest. If you keep on writing words with no insertion of images at all, then the chances are high that the concerned reader switch the page in between.
- Using advanced vocabulary: Agreed, you are good in terms of words! But you cannot expect the same from your readers. There are many bloggers who try to create impression with the high-style writing. But it is a fact that most of the readers tend to go for plain and simple sentences, without sitting with a dictionary in hand. So, try to be straightforward with simple vocabulary. To the readers who understand highly professional vocabulary, it will not be an injustice at all.
- Application of different types of Font Styles within a single post: It will do no good, rather makes the post hard to read and interpret. Do not bold the entire sentence. Try to focus more on the keyword instead. Do not use unnecessary italics, underlines, or font colors.
- Using too long or too short content: Please note that the content of your blog is very important. It is important to be descriptive about your post, but don’t brag it pointlessly. On the other hand, it is advisable not to curtail the vital points that you wish to share. It would be an injustice to the user who is anticipating elaborated information on the concerned subject.
- No presence of Custom Permalink Structure: Having the best structure is most important to be among the top listings. Here, a structure such as http://domainname.com/post-title is suggestive as the Permalink Structure. Never use, a structure such as http://domainname.com/2015/13/post-title
- Using Nil or Overstuffed keywords: While writing a blog, over stuffing of the keywords could turn out to be lethal. Writing a blog with no keywords at all, would also be not relevant at all. For the lengthy posts, try using a keyword density of 1% or less. For the shorter posts, a keyword density of 3% to 4% would be ideal. Please make sure that you place keywords in the right places only, making relevant to the sentence.
- Plagiarism: Remember the school days?? The copy and paste technique was not relevant in those days, and it is not in the world of blogging too. It doesn’t matter whether you are a beginner or a veteran blogger, you just can’t get away with it. With copied content, your voice all of a sudden does not sound like you. Copied content could easily be traced and penalized.
- Not following the principles of SEO: If you wish your blogs to drive your online campaign, then SEO is the fuel for it. If you are not familiar with the standard principles of SEO then you need not to panic at all. There are some trustworthy companies that can do it for you at the cheapest rates.
Seo Principles