Friendship Day: a day to understand the real meaning of friendship

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Friendship Day Wishes


A child opens his eye in the world for the first time! Lives in the nutshell world of childhood with parents, know
ing the world in grandparents’ arms and the days passes to step in the school life.


The first relation then appears to be of pure friendship. It’s the relation that we select.


Further the life moved ahead with some unforgettable moments with friends. People grow and get stuck with their corporate living and earning their bread and butter. But in all this, the friendship gets evaporated somewhere.


To take you back in your old golden days Friendship Day is the “THE” day to cherish your memories with all your friends! Aha! Hold on. Friends ! Who all are on your list? “Your parents, your grandparents, your school and other mates”.


It is the time when you can have shared some special time on Sunday as you would have been doing in olden days!


So Celebrate Your Life in the Way you Want!


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