It is the time when online tools help businesses give birth to product ideas. Online retailers and businesspersons have never had it so good. There are many advantages that these online tools have on offer. Among such tools, Instagram is seen to be a biggie in terms of promoting products to the prospective customers. The fact that Instagram allows hashtags to be added to the product posts ensures that the information reaches far and to a wider cross section of the audience. To make most of this, a brand needs more followers on Instagram. Read on to find out how the brands can attempt to engage a wider audience on Instagram and have a larger following.
How to increase followers on Instagram?
Tip #1: It is time to be authentic
Some entrepreneurs who have already seen success through Instagram opine that to build a large online following, the most important quality required is authenticity. Most youngsters who are the potential buyers spend more than 30 percent of a day on social media. The most active engagement as has been observed has been with those brands that are humanized. That is for a jewelry business, it means users shown wearing the jewels rather than painted models as from a glossy magazine. More complete engagement with the content of a brand brings in the following from Instagram.
Tip #2: Content is very important
As a brand you need to pay heed to what you are telling your prospective customer. The most important part about building up a brand is the creation of content that is relevant and compelling. If you are going to read 7 ways how content marketing can help to increase lead conversion then the importance of quality content will become picture clear. What the brand intends to convey must be said in the most beautiful manner using the content. Beautiful pictures, the apt text, all make up the content. Once the content gets the audience wanting to know more, they come back to the page again and again.
Tip #3: Creation of content that is engaging
The content should be so written that it triggers conversation and eggs the viewer to share it with their contacts. Unique and personally engaging content can help in this direction. If other related posts can also be shared with the audience, this serves to make your content more genuine and acceptable to your audience. The trust factor gets a big boost.
Use Engaging content that users are going to love
Tip #4: The importance of the right hashtag cannot be discounted
It is not simply enough if hashtags are used; the correct hashtags should be used to see success in Instagram. Knowing your hashtag boils down to putting yourself in your prospective audience’s shoes and it will all dawn on you as to how to name the hashtags. The audience will grow when right hashtags that are also indicative of the larger Instagram trends are used.
Here is an ultimate guide to use hashtags and tags effectively.
Tip #5: Brand personality cannot be ignored
It is important for the online business owner to convey the personality of the brand to the target audience. For this to happen, the posts should be spot on and directed at the audience. The content should be warm and engaging at the same time. It is a good idea to create interactive posts in which the audience can participate. A contest may be a good idea. It is important for brands to provide information about the brand, minute as they may be, in each of their posts.
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