Social Bookmarking
Social bookmarking is an online service which enables users to add, edit & share bookmarks of their favorite Web documents. It is a part of Internet marketing, through which an individual saves his time by bookmark a page for the first time and when you surf through the web some other time, then you quickly get to the particular website you bookmarked. Different social bookmarking sites where delicious, digg etc.
How social bookmarking helps
All the bookmarked pages of the website done by the user were considered as a backlink in the eyes of the search engines. The significance of a quality backlink is that it helps in increasing the google page rank & the blog traffic. That’s the reason why social bookmarking is done during the SEO of any Website.
Benefits of Social Bookmarking sites
Increase the traffic: As when people read the bookmarked website or the blog post & vote for it , the traffic to a website increases as more people visit that website.
Increase branding & visibility: By social Bookmarking an individual Represents his website in front of millions of people out there on the web. By this, there is an increase in the visibility of the website, hence result in getting more branding.
Get more links: Every popular social bookmarking website has a tremendous volume of traffic daily as people from all around the world visit it. Thus, if your blog or website has a good content, then there may be chances to get a better link share and a lot of people visit your website. This will automatically increases the rank of your website in the google search engine.
Social bookmarking in SEO
Votes: when spiders of the search engine crawl through the social bookmarking sites, they take an account that how many of the users go through the link , if the number is huge then the website ranking increases automatically by the search engine.
Link popularity: The number of links on your website is counted in the social bookmarking site it means that the website is also getting a backlink from the social bookmarking site. This results in the link popularity.
Keyword ranking: If a website is tagged with the keyword”ayurprakash” then the engine adds the data to the information it has in his database of that website & it improves the website rank for that keyword.
Crawling: Search engines like Google, MSN, Yahoo crawl the social bookmarking sites like Technorati and delicious very often. If it found that people vote of the bookmark for your website or post, then it help to get crawled quicker.
All this help in the SEO of the Website
Where you get reliable social bookmarking
Thoughtful Minds Pvt. Ltd., a complete IT company of India provides the proper Social bookmarking for a Website. We offer social bookmarking services with live reports at an affordable price range. We provide different packages with many offers available for customer reliability to provide fulfill his overall need. For any query related to the social bookmarking service, please feel free to email us at